Sunday, January 5, 2014

Can I be a fan?

Ok so this post goes out there to all of my fangirls in the world.  First let me start by saying this will NOT become a habit of mine to post fan shit (oopsies excuse my language that's my first new years resolution).  Anywho how many of you have seen that pretty popular movie called Twilight?  Anyone? No?  Well let me tell you I'm only slightly obsessed with it.  However, I'm more interested in the legends that went into creating the story for instance the Quileute Legends.  Being that I am part Native American I have always found there legends more than interesting.  But since my only living relative who was Native American and practiced its history died I am stuck with the internet and my very unpracticed research abilities.
Today I was on the web snooping wondering what I was going to write in this post...(sorry I was crazy busy over I had no Wifi crazy well on my laptop that is.)  and I found this article: its from another blog and it isn't much but It was something that really kind of hit home for me.  These people that we pushed off of their land so long ago, and almost killed off, are here with these amazing stories of their people and still to this day share them with new generations.
Am I sounding sappy?  Oh goodness kill me now If I am!  Its sad to think that such a beautiful people with an outstanding culture can be dying according to this article:  The Quileute's have only somewhere around 750 members left in existence today and their language even then is dying out.
The tribe is doing all it can and for me personally yeah twilight started as another book another series another infatuation, but it then turned me to look at my heritage.  I would hate it if the Cherokee tribe died out or if the language started lacking. 

Well that was my fan moment! And I can almost quite positively tell you that this wont be the last post on one of my many obsessions of the moment!
What are you obsessed with?

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