Monday, December 16, 2013

Cheer rides and Playlists

 So I've been trying to figure out how to write this post for about a week now.  As you know my first cheer competition was last weekend and my team took home second along with my dance team taking home first.  Id like to say how proud I am of my team we pulled together as a cheer squad and gave it our all.  We had a few bobbles...for those non cheerleaders that's when a stunt almost falls out of the air but doesn't.  For courtesy to my coach I wasn't allowed to post the videos on here however I can show you the pictures.

 It overall wasn't a bad weekend the competition started at 12 o clock, but that's not when we got started.  No the athletes and her friends wake up around 7 in the morning you have to check and double check I triple check to make sure you have your complete uniform.  This is especially essential when you are on more than one team.
Once that's ready you get in the car and go, but some of these competitions are 3 and 4 hours away.  This time we rode to savannah which is 2 1/2 hours away from where we live
 The car ride had potential to be utterly boring but we made the most of it.  We compiled a list of our favorite songs and we started to jam out.  Here's just a handful of the songs we listened to to get pumped for the completion:
So either way the trip was definitely something to experience Savannah, GA is such a nice place to be in.  On our way out of the competition I was begging my grandma to send me to college in Savannah......guess what they don't have one! I was super depressed after that but taking home a 1st and 2nd place medal really did help to cheer me up.

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