Friday, May 2, 2014

College life = no life

So maybe you are in college, maybe you aren't.  Well let me tell you one thing not everyone's college life is like in the movies.  Actually no one I know gets to party that much and stay in school for longer than a year.  I have gone to zero parties my freshman year of college and already I have failed one class and I am on the brink of loosing my scholarship......
So now I have to take summer classes and those well they don't sound like the most fun things to be doing all summer, but we do what we have to inorder to stay in school.  So I looked up some tips on how to avoid the situation I am currently in (I don't think you want advice from me)
1. Don't be a procrastinator
        I for one have a huge problem with this I always manage to convince myself that I can do things last minute and then I either have to settle for a lower grade or take the no sleep option (I love sleep so that is the last resort)  So make a calendar for yourself and make sure you stick by it don't let yourself be talked out of doing work.
2. Turn off your phone for 1 hour 1/2 each day
        This is the hardest one for me I always like to be in touch with my friends but if you just turn your phone off for 1 hour and 1/2 and commit yourself to doing work you will be surprised at what you get done.  And for those who are about to ask me about Pandora? NO!!!! you'll hear your little notification ring go off and be too tempted.  My advice if you are working on a laptop go to Pandora's website and use that.
3. Block out distractions
          I didn't know about this until recently but there are actual websites you can go to and you can block social media websites and all kinds of things!  Just go on google and type in block websites for studying/ study helper block websites whichever you prefer.
4. And last but not least don't be afraid to ask for help
          I didn't want to believe I could be wrong and not be able to do all of this on my own so when anyone told me I was doing it wrong I became headstrong and shut them down.  Don't do this its the worst thing you could actually do and trust me it wont help in the least.
I am now taking three classes this summer because no one told me I was being a stubborn pig head so I hope that maybe this will prevent someone from making the same mistakes.
Got any freshman college horror stories you want to share send them to my email and ill post them for you!

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