Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My life....its a shit show

            My life has fallen to a shit show of late, things have slipped through my metaphorical cracks and this blog was one of them.  I got into college and joined a sorority I have come to love and cherish.  But with that comes time and then came classes which ultimately I started to leave unnoticed.  Going to the University of South Carolina from a technical college is much like you would expect joining as a freshman to be. I had the serious transition with the plummeting grades, the parties and I got caught up.  So now I am playing make up.  Trying to get better grades to get a better gpa.  Trying to party less and go to church more.  Trying to make real friends not the ones you party with then never see. 

            College is and always will be a complete mess.  If you have ever heard someone utter the words "college is a breeze." do the world a favor and give them a good slap on the head.  Trust me you learn more in your 4 years at college then you could ever begin to imagine.  Here are some things I have begun to learn in my first two years at college.

·         It's very easy to get caught up in the lifestyle and forget that college is in fact a full time job.  (and you must do it if you want to pass)

·         There will be people who will judge you on nothing more than you hair, clothes, car, and if you are popular or not. (if you thought you left high school, you were wrong you just joined a bigger scale.)

·         There aren't cliques there are literally thousands of people to meet don't be afraid to sit next to someone new and just strike up a conversation.

·         House parties are a neon traffic sign for cops.

·         You meet contacts everywhere.  Literally everywhere.

·         Enjoy it while it lasts because I swear sometimes I feel like I'm in need of a oxygen tank when I remember I am already 20.

·         Join as much as you want because you only get to once

·         Some boys are just that still boys so don't go into college hoping for an engagement 6 months in.

·         Teachers give you leniency that most jobs don't so start with self management early.

·         Oh and pay attention in class if you want good grades.  (I type this as i sit in my Political Science class.)

            This article was in no way a "HI I abandoned you for a long time but here's why" article.  This was a ""Hi my life is a shit show let me tell you why" article.  I tend to forget that i have a blog sometimes but that's ok in my life because then when i come back i have so much more to tell.

            I wish I could fit everything in here but I can't so i am going to wait for another article.

Have a wonderful day y'all.


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