I don't know if you guys know this but i am a huge reader and often times writer. I started this blog because I was intrigued by the idea of having a blog and well now I am intrigued by something else. Meaning that I have no plans of quitin on this blog however, I am writing something on the side. I am deeply in love with Greek mythology !!!!NERD ALERT!!!!! Anywho I have had a sort of story playing around in my head for the past couple of months and have just now started to actually think about putting it down on paper. The kinks never seemed to work out, but I think they might this time. I'm not putting really anything out anywhere because let's face it I'm paranoid and I really want this to work out for me.
This isn't all of it but this is a section. I'm just starting and there's a long road ahead but writing is something I am passionate about and I intend to see what comes from this. At the moment my support group consists of my family and not even all of them know how serious I am about this. It may take a year or 4 but I'm determined and I would love if I had my followers support too.

It's a long shot but thank you for anyone who read this!
I'll follow you sweetie. Love you
I will follow you sweetie. Love you
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