Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow!'re joking!

Let me state for the record South Carolina hasn't had snow in 3 you could imagine my shock at the day I come back from the always sunny Hawaii they are predicting face when I found out resembled something along the lines of this

I was completely shocked and unprepared our lovely little southern town in one night had gone from this 


I opened the door and it was like "Well hello winter it's nice for you to finally arrive."  Just so you guys know I was completely freezing my butt off taking this picture as I was in shorts and a tee.  What's a girl to do?!

Of course the county I live in is the slowest to let anyone know if school is closed and what do you school on Wednesday so what do we do? Easy sleep.  Ahh how I do love sleep <3 we have a very mutual and understanding relationship (excuse my random oddness) however around 4ish my friend Heather appeared and it seems that going out was inevitable and what do you do when you are already outside, cold, and there's snow? Snowball fight? No! I take cute pictures :) 
Okay you caught me it's a little sucky but in my defense most of it had melted away already... So that's my sad little story.
How about you guys anyone have any cool snow pictures ???

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pro Bowl Day

So yesterday was my last day in Hawaii and if any of you are as big of football fans as I am then you were watching the NFL Pro Bowl 

So did you guys watch it? I thought it was a great game (more like amazing) but I have to say my favorite part was the halftime show (ok so I was in it) I may be a slight bit bias since I was a part of the performance.  Which part? 
Did you see that slight quick glimpse of cheerleaders on the field in neon yellow shirts and white shorts? I was one of those: 

So how did we do? I know you guys actually couldn't see us and I had no part in that blame the camera guy!!!! 
The pre game was pretty awesome as well if i do say so myself

We were supposed to be down there as well, however they wanted only one group so varsity (yes the shoe brand) their girls did the honor.

I am on my phone writing this after landing in Atlanta so this won't be the best post and for that I apologize however I will be making another post soon to make up for this one.

Just one last thing I wanted to say thank you to the entire staff of AACD (All American Cheer and Dance) they gave me an opportunity that no one else has and I couldn't be more grateful! 
Nothing is official however I am extremely hopeful that I will be going back next year. 

Thanks for reading any questions about Hawaii? I'd love to answer them or about the pro bowl?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not much time

Between competing for a coveted spot in the 2014 Pro Bowl half time show and trying to earn myself a well deserved tan I have sadly been neglecting all of my followers (follower count: 6) I have not much to comment on at the moment unfortunately however I can share with you guys some pictures 
(Excuse the random selfie I just love this)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pedicures and things

I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry loves but I've been extra busy of late getting ready for my departure to Hawaii (omg only 3 days) 
So since I am going to be performing in the pro bowl my mom has told me to go get a pedicure and a manicure.  I was ready to object to the pedicure. let's face it being a cheerleader your pedicure gets ruined quite quickly so what's the point.  
But anyhow I go in today to get one done and what would you know they have a hot guy do it. 
Ummm I don't know how you guys feel about it but it's been winter here in South Carolina so my legs are not shaven to perfection and my feet are bad (athlete) yikes!  Guys he used this thing to remove dead skin and it is vibrating on the bottom of my foot (this is happening as I write this) it's so ticklish I am trying so hard not to laugh right now it is taking all of my energy not to pull my foot away.  He did an amazing job, an I would show you however ill spare you the sight of my feet (insert laugh here) 
Well that's all later loves 

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I don't know if you guys know this but i am a huge reader and often times writer. I started this blog because I was intrigued by the idea of having a blog and well now I am intrigued by something else.  Meaning that I have no plans of quitin on this blog however, I am writing something on the side.  I am deeply in love with Greek mythology !!!!NERD ALERT!!!!! Anywho I have had a sort of story playing around in my head for the past couple of months and have just now started to actually think about putting it down on paper.  The kinks never seemed to work out, but I think they might this time.  I'm not putting really anything out anywhere because let's face it I'm paranoid and I really want this to work out for me. 
This isn't all of it but this is a section.  I'm just starting and there's a long road ahead but writing is something I am passionate about and I intend to see what comes from this.  At the moment my support group consists of my family and not even all of them know how serious I am about this.  It may take a year or 4 but I'm determined and I would love if I had my followers support too. 

It's a long shot but thank you for anyone who read this! 
Xoxo Tiffani 

Friday, January 10, 2014

A sick day remedy

I usually am sick somewhere around once a month.  I know aweful, but I'm so succeptible to the cold and bronchitis it is the craziest thing.  With this my face gets puffy from congestion and add the time of month into that and I've got some lovely acne into the mix.  So I've got a couple things I really enjoy when I'm sick: 
A cup of hot sweet tea or hot chocolate (I'm southern guys don't judge too much) 
A good movie (for now it'll be a Christmas movie) 
My babies (Aspen and tigger)
And a good mask to take away all that yuckyness on my face 
Lordy Lordy knows I've been trying to find a mask that works with my skin well an I haven't found my exact skin care soulmate just yet but I'm gonna take a page from and order the Aesop Chamomile Concentrate Anti-Blemish Masque.  Who knows maybe I'll find my perfect match to win the war of my skin.  But for now I'm going to be using Clinical Skin Solutions: skin polishing crystals.  They have an almost coconut smell to it and it makes your skin feel amazing and soft though doesn't do much for redness. 
See you later loves.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Rules of Dating

Do any of you guys ever wonder what it'll be like in 5, 10, 15 years when you have kids?  I do all the time and quite honestly I can't wait to have kids.

  • they do the chores
  • you get to start family traditions
  • and best of all you get to scare the shit out of their dates when the time comes

My parents aren't mean in the slightest however mess with their "baby" and they become bat shit crazy.  I was on facebook the other day and I saw something my mom had posted and it was just too good not to share with you guys.  They are three pictures.. The rules of dating my daughter and and son.

Guys I think I legitimately almost died when I read half of these!
Now there is one more thing Id like to share with you all before I sign off for the night...
Along with these rules there is an actually typed up date my daughter application.
Now you can find this one of two ways you can click the link below:
or you can go on google and type in: Date my Daughter application a pdf link will then show up.
And last but not least if you wanted to get your dad a shirt with the date my daughter rules on it here is a great site to get them from they were the best deal I could know in my three minutes of looking (ooppsies) if you find a better deal that's great but heres the link:

Well by dolls <3 until next time !

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reviews?? Apps??

I don't do a lot of reviews mainly for the fact that most people don't care for my opinion one way or another! Well I did want to share an app that's quite popular it's called whisper if you don't have I or know what it is I'll explain. 
This app is geared mostly towards college students it is engineered in a way that it in no way can be traced back to you yourself.  You have a username but at no point is your name ever exposed to others.
The point of the app is for people being able to share their secrets without being humiliated by the people who know them.  You've gotten it off your chest without actually telling anyone of importance.  And most of the time it's quite stupid stuff not even secrets

And then you get the ones like this that are actually secrets and the whole no name thing really comes in handy.
Now if this app is something you want to use let me warn you. Yep trees that biit, what started as geared towards college kids no has middle schoolers on it and people using it as a hookup place which is ridiculous.  So be warned cause you'll see some of this

And I guess every good has a little bad I suggest checking it out....I go on every once In a while.

Any apps you want me to check out?

2014 Bucket List

So I definitely can not be the only one who has things they want to do before the clock strikes midnight on New Years of 2015.  Well since it is officially 2014 I plan on making one now! 
This will be my first Bucket List...Ever, but I saw this somewhere and thought it was a cute idea.

  • Go somewhere that I've never been (going to Hawaii in two weeks)
  • Kiss my crush
  • Accidently admit to my crush that I like him (oopsies)
  • Get accepted into the University of South Carolina
  • Try out for the USC cheer squad (unfortunately I cant bc I wont be able to get in in time)
  • Get Shwasted at a college party (come on every freshman needs the experience)
  • get more than 100 followers on my blog
  • Grow out my natural hair color (dirty blonde not much a fan)
  • go on a mission trip
  • volunteer somewhere

This is as far as my list goes for now....ta ta for now loves<3

What is on your 2014 Bucket List?

Help Me #Hawaii

I figured these posts needed their own specific category.  Can I get a raised hand from all the girls out there who need help in the world.  Okay Im a girl...Does that mean I am supposed to automatically know anything and everything?  I hope not cause I am halfway to clueless.  I know I don't have many followers at the moment (sad thought) but true and that's okay.  But these are the posts that are some of my most current problems.  And if they end up helping you out well all the merrier right?  Why don't we become those girls who do know everything automatically because we learned it all!  And If I'm over here preachin to an empty audience so be it.
Anywho <--- goodness I say that a lot.  I am heading out to Hawaii in 2 weeks and I am clueless as to what to wear?  Now you'd think oh that's easy shorts and tank tops, cute dresses all the way.  Well since I am preforming in the Pro Bowl this year they say I need to dress appropriate, since there will be Cheer Scouts there.  What is appropriate?  To me a pair of shorts, gladiators and cute shirt is definitely appropriate.  But then to some people shorts are out of the question.   So my question is what is respectable and cute to where to Hawaii?   Cause I am confused.

Christmas and Road Trips

To say my break was interesting would be a complete understatement.  First I didn't get to open any presents until December the 27th...I know misery right? But it was worth the wait.  Was that Iphone 5s under the tree? no? but that's ok my mom knew what I really needed stuff for my upcoming apartment can we say boring....nah I in all reality love it. And I made these cute little strawberry Santa's (Above) for us to eat while we opened presents. 
New Years Eve came and I finally watched New Years Eve, let me tell you I much preferred its prequel Valentines Day.  If you haven't seen it here's a little bit of info on it.  After that we all (mother, step father, his parents and my two obnoxious brothers) went outside to shoot of these bad babies.  (The pictures shall come later) after three hours of fireworks, a grand finale, and a toast at midnight we called it a night.
Not even two days later it was time for me to leave and I wasn't happy to go.  The car ride from Houston, Texas to North August, SC is a long one try 15 hours.  And with my little brother in the car it sure was a chore.  But we made it back and I am definitely back to my blog.  How I have missed it. 
Bye loves til next time

Can I be a fan?

Ok so this post goes out there to all of my fangirls in the world.  First let me start by saying this will NOT become a habit of mine to post fan shit (oopsies excuse my language that's my first new years resolution).  Anywho how many of you have seen that pretty popular movie called Twilight?  Anyone? No?  Well let me tell you I'm only slightly obsessed with it.  However, I'm more interested in the legends that went into creating the story for instance the Quileute Legends.  Being that I am part Native American I have always found there legends more than interesting.  But since my only living relative who was Native American and practiced its history died I am stuck with the internet and my very unpracticed research abilities.
Today I was on the web snooping wondering what I was going to write in this post...(sorry I was crazy busy over I had no Wifi crazy well on my laptop that is.)  and I found this article: its from another blog and it isn't much but It was something that really kind of hit home for me.  These people that we pushed off of their land so long ago, and almost killed off, are here with these amazing stories of their people and still to this day share them with new generations.
Am I sounding sappy?  Oh goodness kill me now If I am!  Its sad to think that such a beautiful people with an outstanding culture can be dying according to this article:  The Quileute's have only somewhere around 750 members left in existence today and their language even then is dying out.
The tribe is doing all it can and for me personally yeah twilight started as another book another series another infatuation, but it then turned me to look at my heritage.  I would hate it if the Cherokee tribe died out or if the language started lacking. 

Well that was my fan moment! And I can almost quite positively tell you that this wont be the last post on one of my many obsessions of the moment!
What are you obsessed with?