So we all have that friend that we cant take anywhere, because he/she is a shopaholic. My bestfriend heather would be that friend of mine. I admittedly have a problem with shopping but this girl recently everytime we go anywhere she feels the need to add on to my Christmas present.
Last Friday was admittedly a really good night. My best friend Heather and I (the one mentioned above) went to Ihop for dinner with my grandmother. We tried their seasonal Hot Chocolates and let me tell you they are to die for. I of course got the Cinnamon flavored one and heather got the Salted Caramel. I'll tell you both were quite fantastic although I'm not much of a Caramel person myself. We then decided it was necessary to continue our best friend date and went to a movie at the dollar theatre. Have you seen Cloudy with a Chance of meatballs 2? No? Am I maybe just a little too old for that movie? Hell NO! I repeat you should go see the movie if you have an inner child that breaks out more than just occasionally like I do than this is a must see movie! The laughter never stopped although the movie wasn't long it really was all around enjoyable. That concluded our little Friday night best friend date, however we have decided that we need to do this again at least once a month.
Being on a Competitive team has many different aspects to it, and one of the things I love most is our Christmas parties at the end of the year. This years dance team party was surely not a disappointment. While we were snacking on pigs in a blanket and talking about cheer gym gossip we had music in the back that consisted of Ciara, Vic, Vanilla Ice, Bon Jovi, and much more. We are a really diverse group so there was lots of dancing going on. Twerking was introduced and so was the Wobble. It was an interesting night to say the least.
I know the picture isn't great (sorry I was camera less) but I busted out that scarlett lipstick for the night to match my scarf and snowflake print leggings. (I'll post a pic later)
But overall it was a good week for me! Tell me about yours!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Cheer rides and Playlists
So I've been trying to figure out how to write this post for about a week now. As you know my first cheer competition was last weekend and my team took home second along with my dance team taking home first. Id like to say how proud I am of my team we pulled together as a cheer squad and gave it our all. We had a few bobbles...for those non cheerleaders that's when a stunt almost falls out of the air but doesn't. For courtesy to my coach I wasn't allowed to post the videos on here however I can show you the pictures.
It overall wasn't a bad weekend the competition started at 12 o clock, but that's not when we got started. No the athletes and her friends wake up around 7 in the morning you have to check and double check I triple check to make sure you have your complete uniform. This is especially essential when you are on more than one team.
Once that's ready you get in the car and go, but some of these competitions are 3 and 4 hours away. This time we rode to savannah which is 2 1/2 hours away from where we live

The car ride had potential to be utterly boring but we made the most of it. We compiled a list of our favorite songs and we started to jam out. Here's just a handful of the songs we listened to to get pumped for the completion:
So either way the trip was definitely something to experience Savannah, GA is such a nice place to be in. On our way out of the competition I was begging my grandma to send me to college in Savannah......guess what they don't have one! I was super depressed after that but taking home a 1st and 2nd place medal really did help to cheer me up.
It overall wasn't a bad weekend the competition started at 12 o clock, but that's not when we got started. No the athletes and her friends wake up around 7 in the morning you have to check and double check I triple check to make sure you have your complete uniform. This is especially essential when you are on more than one team.
Once that's ready you get in the car and go, but some of these competitions are 3 and 4 hours away. This time we rode to savannah which is 2 1/2 hours away from where we live
So either way the trip was definitely something to experience Savannah, GA is such a nice place to be in. On our way out of the competition I was begging my grandma to send me to college in Savannah......guess what they don't have one! I was super depressed after that but taking home a 1st and 2nd place medal really did help to cheer me up.
Decorating..too late?
How is it possible that I am so terrible at working this blog that I cant even get the pictures to go side by side? Color me confused. That tree with three people working on it took 3 hours to do...wondering how? Christmas movies of course! We watched this cute movie called Santa Baby far not my favorite Christmas movie, but it did the trick to get us all in the spirit. Then we made peppermint chocolate chip cookies now those are something I definitely recommend. My mother goes on a crazy peppermint kick every Christmas and this is just the latest find of that obsession. You think I'm kidding let me make a list: Peppermint ice cream, peppermint hot chocolate, peppermint cookies, peppermint chocolate, peppermint candy.....the list could go on. Before any of this decorating took place my friend and I were at Walgreens I just had to print out some pictures *sshh its for a Christmas present* i'll post pictures later. And while there we found this cute little shaker with a cocktail recipe on the side. It was easy to make fill the shaker with ice, pour in the peppermint mix, fill with 3/4 cup water, 3/4 cup vodka, shake, and serve. Now obviously since I am only 18 I would never have an underage drink ;) but I do recommend them you can find them at your local Walgreens.
So did we decorate too late? I don't think we did. Afterall we are leaving the day after Christmas to go to Houston, Texas. That's going to be the real adventure. Now its time for me to go through that DVR full of Christmas movies. Ta Ta For Now!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Simple to Wow Makeup Must haves
When I was growing up I couldn't wait to smear makeup all over my face. I had watched my mom do it and at the age of 9 I was praying I would grow up and be able to us it already.
As a Competitive Cheerleader knowing how to apply makeup is something you have to know how to do. We all have our go to products the ones we use on a day to day basis no matter what. Those things that take us from Simple to WOW!

As a Competitive Cheerleader knowing how to apply makeup is something you have to know how to do. We all have our go to products the ones we use on a day to day basis no matter what. Those things that take us from Simple to WOW!
Now I have a handful of go to essentials for when I'm getting ready for a competition. I also use most of them on a day to day basis yes that includes the lipstick. Before we begin I want to apologize for the overload of Sephora products I recently had a splurge and this was the result.
1. Kat Von D: lock it tattoo foundation now I just started using this foundation in October and found it to be very fitting. I like a full coverage foundation for those days when being a female is a pain and my face breaks out. The other thing I really like about this foundation is the fact that it applies really well and doesn't smear during the day. I get mine at Sephora, and its not the cheapest but the bottle lasts a while. I'm still on my first bottle.
2. Tarte: smooth operator made out of Amazonian Clay this finishing powder had to make my list of must haves. Its box guarantees you'll have smoother skin after using this product. And while doing that it has this amazing super power for girls with oily skin it makes that nasty oily look vanish into thin air. I also get this at Sephora.
3. Sephora's Favorites: Draw the Line Eyeliner Sampler a kit that includes brands such as Stilla, Sephora, 24/7, and Makeup For Ever for only $30 that was a steal I couldn't resist. There are 3 smudge eyeliners and 3 liquid eye liners. This kit also includes 3 waterproof eyeliners. Girls this is perfect for those tear jerker dates and movie nights. Can you guess where this one came from...Sephora would be it!
4. Kat Von D: Tattoo Liner by far one of the best liquid eye liners I have ever used. Its felt tip is soft yet firm so its not poking you in the eye. With this it also has a fine tip that you can use for many different looks. This is also found at Sephora.
5. Smashbox: Full Exposure Mascara this mascara definitely adds definition. It has a thick wand and adds lots of volume to your lashes. What I love about this mascara is that it also happens to be waterproof.
6.Benefit's: They're Real! HOLY SHOOT stop and just revel in this mascara! If you go and get this mascara and you are disappointed then I will take full responsibility for it. However, I will guarantee that you will not be disappointed. This mascara adds length to your lashes and volume that you couldn't believe. The only down side to this mascara is that it is not waterproof sadly. And for those skeptics out there that like to taste the fruit before you dive in, they also sell this in a baby size. Also found at Sephora or online.
7. Nicka K Cosmetics: Lip Pencil in Red This has to be my favorite lip pencil. It is a nice matte pencil with a smooth finish. The color is bold and absolutely beautiful. This pencil you can find at Sephora and costs no more than $10.
Growing Your Hair Out!!!
How many of you have ever tried one of those homemade hair remedies??? Okay so I had one of my friends ask me the other day if I would try out this recipe for her. The recipe is said to be able to grow your hair out while keeping it completely healthy (I'm a little bit skeptical that it'll work) I've heard it all before. Now I did my research...some of the ingredients it wants to use I have read that hair dressers do recommend them. So maybe we'll strike a pot of gold and in the end win!
Over the years I've tried it all. Does anyone remember that one article on Seventeen Magazine about how to get your hair super shiny? Well I do and I thought "hey lets try it out!" moral of the story....Don't do it! The yogurt and egg made my hair stink and I still had stuff in my hair the next day.
Maybe you'll remember this one...Sorry but it is also from Seventeen. In my defense I was a freshman in high school when I tried this and am regretful to tell you that I did it despite how lame it sounded! I mean smashing a banana into your hair. But by all means maybe it will work better for you than it did for me.
Now this recipe unlike the other too aren't for shine or strengthening its for growth. Last winter I had the same hair color I have now, yet during the summer I decided to go back blonde, why don't ask, but the result was the same I had to cut off my long locks due to damage and split ends.
Over the years I've tried it all. Does anyone remember that one article on Seventeen Magazine about how to get your hair super shiny? Well I do and I thought "hey lets try it out!" moral of the story....Don't do it! The yogurt and egg made my hair stink and I still had stuff in my hair the next day.
Maybe you'll remember this one...Sorry but it is also from Seventeen. In my defense I was a freshman in high school when I tried this and am regretful to tell you that I did it despite how lame it sounded! I mean smashing a banana into your hair. But by all means maybe it will work better for you than it did for me.
Now this recipe unlike the other too aren't for shine or strengthening its for growth. Last winter I had the same hair color I have now, yet during the summer I decided to go back blonde, why don't ask, but the result was the same I had to cut off my long locks due to damage and split ends.
So I'm hoping this recipe rings true just as much as you guys. So here's what we have to do:
- one bottle shampoo(your choice)
- red onion
- honey
- rosemary
Cut the onion into small pieces, in half a cup of water boil the rosemary for 5 minutes and add 5 tablespoons of honey. Put all the ingredients in your shampoo. And its ready to use.
You all know I am a skeptic and this recipe just has a dash of crazy sounding in it, but I'm willing to try anything once so here's the before picture
I use this only because my hair was straight in the picture!
I'll post a progress picture in two weeks and we can compare the results feel free to try it with me!
Any other remedies you'd like me to try? Comment below!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Uh Oh.....I didn't do my homework
Whether you're in middle school, high school, or college I'm sure you can relate to that oopsie's moment where you either forgot to do you're homework...or if you're like me you said "I'll do it later."
Well you want to know what happens when you do that? You don't do it!
Well you want to know what happens when you do that? You don't do it!
‘why didn’t i just do my homework’ a musical by me featuring hits such as ‘I’ve had 3 weeks to complete this fucking essay’ and ‘I’ll do it in the morning’
Let me explain my teacher hasn't been present to class for the last month. She went to the hospital for kidney stones then went into kidney failure. We have not received any word from her on her condition, so we assumed we would not be taking a final exam....thus, I failed to turn in my 4 page research paper like I was supposed to.
no idea if this paper is GOOD but its DONE
An anthology of short stories by college students
yeah I know bad college student...can I just take a second to tell you how majorly I have fucked up my first semester of college. I first off took on a full load with some classes above my level. Now I have 2 "A's" and 3 "D's".
You want me to tell you the part that really screwed me over? yeah? we just got an email today from the head of the English department and since our teacher Is out our Research Paper is going to count as our final exam!
Karma ~ 1
Tiffani ~ 0
Whats Your True Age?
This has to be one of the best things I've seen on the internet! I mean I always knew I was a child at heart but to have it proven (even just by a silly quiz) is kind of...well weird.
My Results are Below:
12 Years Old You're 12 years old! You are right on the line between childhood and adolescence, and you want to spend your days having a great time. Despite your strong desire to continue being a kid, you also look forward to getting older and want to be seen as grown up. You're at sort of an awkward stage in your development, which makes you feel a bit insecure and out of place. Fortunately for you, you're still young; you'll grow out of that eventually!
My Results are Below:
What's Your True Age?
12 Years Old You're 12 years old! You are right on the line between childhood and adolescence, and you want to spend your days having a great time. Despite your strong desire to continue being a kid, you also look forward to getting older and want to be seen as grown up. You're at sort of an awkward stage in your development, which makes you feel a bit insecure and out of place. Fortunately for you, you're still young; you'll grow out of that eventually!
Ahhh its winter
However, I am in love with what comes with winter (minus the cold, flu, and freezing temperatures!!!)
Though there's a few things that I particularly enjoy in the winter time:
- Hot Chocolate ~ with marshmallows
- ABC's 25 Days of Christmas (the movies are so romantic)
- Warm sweaters, scarves, and boots.
- Hanging out with your friends
- Buying Christmas presents for all of my friends and family
- And of course decorating the Christmas tree
- Getting to wear my slipper boots out of the house
- Having a reason to pig out (thank you thanksgiving and Christmas dinner)
- Black Friday Shopping
- Tacky Ornaments
- Winter Break
- Wearing Sweatpants like its a religion
- Candy shopping spree
- Baking yummies
- And visiting family
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The year in review
Holy Crap! It's been a year already! I honestly just can't believe it! I mean can you imagine what you were doing in march, because I can I was turning 18....
I still can't even get over the fact that in less than four months i'll have been 18 for a year. Okay moving on what were you guys doing in say April of 2013 going to the beach, enjoying your spring break and partying like rockstars? No? Close? I wouldn't know I can't see you so i'll just imagine you saying yes! Well I was competing at my last cheer competition of the season in Myrtle Beach, SC...
Little did I know that would be the last time I would preform with my best friend Makenna, she had to have back surgery in November to heal a herniated disc in her spine. That was almost a year ago!
Did any of you guys go to prom this year? Was it your first? Last? Mine was sad in a heartbreaking and just sad kind of way! It was my Senior year and it was already sad to begin with but to add that I didn't have a date well..icing on the cake as they say. Lucky for me my friend Kenna the one mentioned above...well she stepped in as my date and I as hers.
I know they say that going with your friends is more fun, but im slightly inclined to disagree with that statement. Okay May??? anyone? No me neither!! haha nothing good happened in May for me.. It all started the next month in June. I GRADUATED!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I was so excited haha who wouldn't be.. I mean it is the last time you have to step into a high school where everyone thinks of you as a little child. To make it better my mom and step dad flew in to see me graduate along with my best friend from my childhood..
The summer was a long and relaxing one......How was ya'lls? (yess..I know theres that southern girl accent) I was hoping to go to the beach at some point this summer, you know as a senior trip kind of thing, but instead I went up to Cincinnati to visit my best friend. Brooke and I were born 13 days apart(im the oldest..of course) and we've been friends since.
Can you tell we are best friends....her mom took the photoshoot of us on our last day together. It isn't hard to tell which was the bossy one of us growing up...even though I was the oldest..
Yeah not the most sliming picture I could find, but it suits our relationship so well that I just had to put it in here.
We definitely do not get along all of the time and we have our fights like most siblings(lets face it we are practically sisters) but I have to say this trip definitely defined my summer.
And finally I started College, Joined two new teams making new friends and reuniting with old ones after a long summer.
In retrospect it has been an absolutely amazing year and the really big sad part of all of this is that it took Facebook for me to remember "Hey the year is ending stupid!" yeah yeah I know but that is what my inner voice is like. So go back and look at what all has happened in your life since last January I can't believe how much I have changed and stayed the same.
Did any of you guys go to prom this year? Was it your first? Last? Mine was sad in a heartbreaking and just sad kind of way! It was my Senior year and it was already sad to begin with but to add that I didn't have a date well..icing on the cake as they say. Lucky for me my friend Kenna the one mentioned above...well she stepped in as my date and I as hers.
I know they say that going with your friends is more fun, but im slightly inclined to disagree with that statement. Okay May??? anyone? No me neither!! haha nothing good happened in May for me.. It all started the next month in June. I GRADUATED!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I was so excited haha who wouldn't be.. I mean it is the last time you have to step into a high school where everyone thinks of you as a little child. To make it better my mom and step dad flew in to see me graduate along with my best friend from my childhood..
The summer was a long and relaxing one......How was ya'lls? (yess..I know theres that southern girl accent) I was hoping to go to the beach at some point this summer, you know as a senior trip kind of thing, but instead I went up to Cincinnati to visit my best friend. Brooke and I were born 13 days apart(im the oldest..of course) and we've been friends since.
Can you tell we are best friends....her mom took the photoshoot of us on our last day together. It isn't hard to tell which was the bossy one of us growing up...even though I was the oldest..
Yeah not the most sliming picture I could find, but it suits our relationship so well that I just had to put it in here.
We definitely do not get along all of the time and we have our fights like most siblings(lets face it we are practically sisters) but I have to say this trip definitely defined my summer.
my other base and best friend
my flyer
my college friend
And finally I started College, Joined two new teams making new friends and reuniting with old ones after a long summer.
In retrospect it has been an absolutely amazing year and the really big sad part of all of this is that it took Facebook for me to remember "Hey the year is ending stupid!" yeah yeah I know but that is what my inner voice is like. So go back and look at what all has happened in your life since last January I can't believe how much I have changed and stayed the same.
All of the Above
Wow I honestly cant believe Im starting this blog. Haha you would probably laugh at me if you knew how long it took me to make this blog look like it does right now and even now its not how I want it....but go gentle on me I am a newbie at this. What's the purpose of this blog? To tell you the truth I don't really have an answer to that question. I could go so many ways with that but I can't choose just one so Ive decided to say All of the above.
Im a cheerleader who would love to post millions of pictures on her of her weekly struggles. Im a girl who cooks for pleasure as much as she wants the approval of others. Taking pictures is something I love to do as more than just a pass time. Clothes....God you would lose me in a mall(A.K.A. never go shopping with me you might not find me.) The point is I have no idea where this blog is going to head in the future it could take off, it could not. Im just a girl whose gonna share her opinion on everything in life with you and if you want to stay around and join the ride please be my guest!
Im a cheerleader who would love to post millions of pictures on her of her weekly struggles. Im a girl who cooks for pleasure as much as she wants the approval of others. Taking pictures is something I love to do as more than just a pass time. Clothes....God you would lose me in a mall(A.K.A. never go shopping with me you might not find me.) The point is I have no idea where this blog is going to head in the future it could take off, it could not. Im just a girl whose gonna share her opinion on everything in life with you and if you want to stay around and join the ride please be my guest!
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